Wednesday, June 20, 2007

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Space Intruder - The Waiters

Lately I get to see animations on YouTube, mostly because he is curious to see what the people out there on (although it may be quite different from American animation a European, as is the case). This in particular is at least curious, and the work behind it is disturbing. No less than six full days spread over three weeks has led the author of the animation make this little short, full of violence and surreal. Account the author (which is of Maastricht) curious about the animation, for example 2532 frames were needed to complete the animation, that the only party in real time is the UFO landing (in clear view of ...); threads of worm-like movements were re-based replacements. In other words, this man made the necessary figures in all positions intermediate, and then changing one for another shot. Encourage rather quickly, yes it is ... The rest you can read (in English) simply by clicking on the video, go to the original page


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