Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Copenhagen Excess Baggage Companies

BEING ONE - SEX WITH LOVE HELPING THE PLANET! (I add this video because after reading The post is a scene that I have come to the head and heart, AVATAR couple during lovemaking. But before you read the text below, that each reaches its own conclusion ...

Our Elder Brothers teach us how through SEXUAL POWER done with love, we humans can help ourselves and the planet. We through it, raise the vibrational frequency, stabilizing and balancing the electromagnetic energy.

Make Love, not only to produce pleasure from a partner. Lemur past when we lived in Atlantis and we had the knowledge that this energy was very special and we could electromagnetism direct it positively, resulting beneficially to humans and the planet. Today

strongest energy is used and the atmosphere exudes sexual energy, but sadly it is being used by the majority, just for the pleasure of the senses. When it comes to orgasm, that energy should be directed to a larger work, is wasted and dissipated, so that its strength is lost and is weakened by not having within it the elements Quarks, which are the elements of

Love Let's see what we are told by older siblings Ayaplianos, regarding SEXUAL POWER:

Brothers and Sons! ... Make Love, is the largest and most beautiful that the Creator gave us. The union of two beings who love each other and culminate in an orgasm your feeling of fullness and ecstasy. They have asked - why slavery has made progress? Why you well beings have failed to control many negative-sick today have progressed uncontrollably?

The negative-patient was able to move because you were denied the right to universal knowledge. Although they may seem incredible, energy, thought, Reptilian never allowed the right to real and true knowledge. There are scrolls, books and ancient teachings that are hidden by drivers, whether they governments and religions.

Formerly in Lemur and Atlantis, the Universal Knowledge beings had in their hands. Les was awarded for us and our brothers Seramitas Elohim. This knowledge will teach the management of energy and how you could control it, manage it and lead it. This knowledge practiced and known at that time was hidden by the priests, who are the same embodied-drivers, which are today in very important positions in governments and religions.

us in those days their older brothers Ayaplianos, we teach that sexual energy with love, was an important shield for you and the planet Earth ...

When two people come together with love, sex occur in shock. This electrical discharge begins in the sexual chakra, which lies at the base of the spine. At the time of orgasm, the energy goes up the spine (Kundalini) and ends in orgiastic explosion in the brain. At this state, the power goes out through the Pineal Gland, charged protons, which are directed to the electromagnetism of the Earth. The protons surrounding the planet Earth and join maintaining the core electrons of the atom-planet-Earth ... Steady!

Sex without love is causing the imbalance Why? Because orgasm without quarks elements (love) produces many electrons (negative) because we know that protons are composed of two up quarks (Atmosphere) and one down quark (Earth) to form the atomic nucleus (the core of the Earth) . Sex without love is producing electrons and this is causing imbalance in the brain-planet-earth and many of the ecological disasters, atmospheric and planetary, that you are experiencing are being caused by the accumulation of this energy and full of electron dense .

We're going to ask you all human beings to help us raise the electromagnetism of the planet and will now following when making love:

At the moment of orgasm, when they feel they are reaching completion, focus and emanating from the pineal gland that energy full of love and bright white color ... THIS PLANET Wrap POWER OF LOVE! Lock him up with this high-energy imaginative and let that energy to accomplish its mission: To raise the electromagnetism of the planet and involve the cell-Tera with a pure and lofty love. With this work, you will make up the frequency and vibration of the planet and all beings who live in it, because everyone will be fed special energy, full of love
Item ...
Making Love is not just for the pleasure of the senses, is a weapon against the density and energy-negative, ill. Start working not only for you selfishly, to start working for the planet consciously. The War of the negative-positive-patient and healthy and began ... MAKE LOVE WITH CONSCIENCE!

Distribute this knowledge, transmĂ­tanlo loved ones, family, friends and acquaintances. It is important that everyone know. Beings who love and feel the true Universal Love, regardless of age, sexual orientation, language, race etc. and feel in their hearts throb of true love, are suitable for this mission. From now on, brothers, do not waste this important element, this precious treasure called: POWER OF LOVE ... You and the Planet NEED IT!

http://conversandoconelseruno.blogspot.com/2011/03/el-ser-uno-sexo-con-amor-ayudemos-al.html Extracted from


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