Tuesday, March 8, 2011

How Much Does Travertine Cost

tuna with sequins and beads Crafts Home

Bonito centerpiece with sequins and beaded flowers

Crafts with sequins and beads for home, Hello friends today invite you to make this beautiful floral arrangement that we are sure will look spectacular in their hogares.Hazlo yourself this beautiful center table artificial flowers made in sequins and chaquira.Para start is delicate craft will need these materials:

Flowers sequins and beads:
wire jewelry *
* Forceps or jewelry pliers
* Sequined pink and green beads in green and red.

Step by step do it yourself
* Cut the wire about 40 cm. Insert the wire 15 pink sequins.

* With the same wire into a gasita which will be our first petal flor.Con pliers bend the wire at the bottom of this form will close our
first petal

* Continue forming the same wire pétalos.En go one on one inserting sequins.

* Join our flower petals with tweezers and tie the wire to remain united in this way our petals.

* This will be our first flor.Seguir doing a lot more ..

our flower pistils to insert it to our wire 3 red beads and close with our tweezers, grouping them in this way each cluster of pistils.

* So we finished our pistils of beads, and put them in our flower sequins.

* Since this being our flower

* Continued thus more clusters of sequins and beads

To make the leaves of our flowers.
* Nine cuts 30 to 35 cm of wire and loading them with a sequin and beaded
green, then our wire by passing it will double again by our sequin

And so we will continue introducing the sequins with beads, until a suitable size.

Decorate your home with crafts made by your hands.
Put this cute craft
sequins and beads in a glass vase.


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